Monday, October 26, 2009


Education is a microcosm of all that is indispensable to life. It is next to impossible to undermine the vitality of activity in the advancement of society as envisaged by the enthusiastic many body and common masses.

Even before we delve into the various objective streams of activity which subsist today, it is imperative to understand the articulate ‘education’.

“Education transcends books”- a dictum which has withstood the trials and ravages of centuries and has etched its existence boldly in the minds of one and all. On retrospection one would invariably realize that activity had augmented its roots from the time when phylogenesis of Negro began.

In fact it would be apt to conclude that had it not been for activity in its varying forms, phylogenesis of Negro was both an uncertainness and impossibility. Over the centuries we hit learnt to ‘learn’ and ‘imbibe’ the best- this is the spirit of education.

Reverting to the 21st century, activity has encompassed all barriers of classroom walls and has embellish more comprehensive. Just most three decades past only three major strands were popular among the youth to be pursued for a occupation viz., medicine, field or government service.

Sounds same history. Isn’t it? Globalization and increased danger to planetary activity standards connected with the advent of varied job opportunities provided by multinational companies has ensured that a plethora of occupation and educational options are available to students.

Gone are the days when activity was extremity in books with little or no attention existence paid to the practical characteristic of the subject and the student’s aptitude and personality. The increased competition is an grounds of the treatment of activity beyond books and theory.

Innumerable occupation options today lay unfolded for students within the realm of education. To begin with, permit us analyse some of the popular competitive incoming exams which hit nullified the emphasis laid on marks obtained finished cramming. The most coveted occupation choice today is that of management.

Thousands aspiring to be an MBA materialize for the CAT exam every year. Clearing the CAT effectuation that the 6 Indian Institutes of Management unstoppered their gates for the successful candidates.

Never mind if you can’t get finished CAT, MAT, SNAP and XAT are some of the other direction incoming exams conducted by other institutes which module support you achieve your dream of existence a direction graduate.

Though MBA is the call of the day, Engineering and Medical profession still keep their charm. The key difference today is that the incoming exams for entering to reputed field and medical institutions hit embellish more challenging.

To get finished to engineering, hundreds queue up apiece assemblage to verify the JET- Joint Entrance Test- and AIEEE i.e., All Bharat Engineering Entrance Exam. PMT – Pre-Medical Test- too sees an ever increasing turnout of aspiring medicos apiece year. Administrative services still romance many by the hordes.

That’s why the IAS or Indian Administrative Services Exam is decent tougher by the day. Even if you desire to study abroad, you are required to country IELTS which stands for International arts Language Testing System.

It is a comprehensive exam fashioned by the Cambridge University to assess a candidate’s arts module skills in all the four aspects viz. reading, listening, writing and speaking. Most of the US universities accept scores of exams same TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and SAT for admission.

Education, as we can see, has today assumed a more significant role. Most of the institutes and colleges hold incoming exams to assess the real ability of a student. Therefore it could be said that activity has today blossomed and its myriad ‘petals’ are profuse with all the hues displayed.

To end I would same to quote B.F Skinner, who rattling aptly said, “Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.” So be educated, stay educated and spread education.

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